発言者: hisawo
発言日: 2017 02/25 16:18
This is ptex2pdf[.lua] version 0.4.
Processing untitled-1.tex.
This is e-pTeX, Version 3.1415926-p3.4-110825-2.6 (utf8.sjis) (TeX Live 2013/W32TeX)
restricted \write18 enabled.
entering extended mode
pLaTeX2e <2006/11/10> (based on LaTeX2e <2011/06/27> patch level 0)
Babel <3.9f> and hyphenation patterns for 78 languages loaded.
Document Class: jarticle 2006/06/27 v1.6 Standard pLaTeX class
For additional information on amsmath, use the `?' option.
LaTeX Warning: emathPp : you cannot use perl on input line 4.
! emathPl Error : Add --shell-escape option for latex.
\reserved@a ...dd --shell-escape option for latex}
l.7 \calcval
└◆1397:perlのエラー [hisawo] 02/25 16:18
├◆1398:Re:perlのエラー [田中徹] 02/25 19:32
└◆1399:Re:perlのエラー [石原 守] 02/25 19:49
└◆1400:Re[2]:perlのエラー [飯島 徹] 02/26 06:01
└◆1401:Re[3]:perlのエラー [石原 守] 02/26 06:21
└◆1402:Re[4]:perlのエラー [hisawo] 02/26 15:45<-last