発言者: st
発言日: 2010 06/18 15:10
emathPh.sty[2010/06/18 v 3.88]でsampleP.texをコンパイルしてみたところ、以下の
This is pTeXk, Version 3.1415926-p3.1.11 (sjis) (Web2C 2010) (format=platex 2010.6.6) 18 JUN 2010 14:53
\write18 enabled.
%&-line parsing enabled.
pLaTeX2e <2006/11/10>+0 (based on LaTeX2e <2009/09/24> patch level 0)
Babel <v3.8l> and hyphenation patterns for english, usenglishmax, ukenglish, ba
sque, bulgarian, coptic, welsh, czech, slovak, german, ngerman, danish, esperan
to, spanish, catalan, galician, estonian, farsi, finnish, french, irish, greek,
monogreek, ancientgreek, croatian, hungarian, interlingua, ibycus, bahasa, ice
landic, italian, latin, mongolian, dutch, norsk, polish, portuguese, pinyin, ro
manian, russian, slovenian, samin, uppersorbian, serbian, swedish, turkish, ukr
ainian, dumylang, nohyphenation, loaded.
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Enhancements to Picture Environment. Version 1.2 - Released June 1, 1986
) (/musixtexmf/tex/platex/emath_other/eepic.sty
Extension to Epic and LaTeX. Version 1.1e - Released Dec 21, 1999
) (/musixtexmf/tex/platex/emath/emath.sty
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atched RF)
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LaTeX Font Info: ... okay on input line 35.
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LaTeX Font Info: ... okay on input line 35.
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LaTeX Font Info: ... okay on input line 35.
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(./sampleP.out) (./sampleP.out)
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た対応となります。 on input line 35.
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(Font) Font shape `JY1/gt/m/n' tried instead on input line 1.
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6])
\openout10 = `sampleP.toc'.
\openout2 = `Sorg.aux'.
(./Sorg.tex [1
]) [2]
\openout2 = `Sline.aux'.
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LaTeX Font Info: Font shape `JY1/mc/bx/n' in size <12> not available
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\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
(./showex.tmp) [3
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LaTeX Font Info: Try loading font information for OMS+cmtt on input line 82.
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(./example/oresen02.tex) [4]
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(./showex.tmp) [5] [6]
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
Overfull \hbox (19.95422pt too wide) detected at line 193
(./example/tensen01.tex) [7] (./example/hasen01.tex) (./example/hasen02.tex)
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
[8] (./showex.tmp)
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
(./showex.tmp) [9]
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
(./showex.tmp) [10]
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
(./showex.tmp) (./example/sasen01.tex) [11]
(./example/oresen03.tex) (./example/oresen04.tex) [12]
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
(./showex.tmp) [13]
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
(./showex.tmp) (./example/yasen01.tex)
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
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[] \OT1/cmtt/m/n/10 \ArrowLine<putstr=[s]{\protect\beku
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(./showex.tmp) [14]
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
[15] (./showex.tmp)
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
(./example/yasen02.tex) [16] (./example/yasen03.tex) (./example/yasen07.tex)
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
(./showex.tmp) [17]
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
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(./showex.tmp) (./example/yasen06.tex) [18] (./example/yasen05.tex)
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
(./showex.tmp) [19]
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
(./example/polygon2.tex) [20] (./example/polygon0.tex) [21]
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
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(./example/kousi01.tex) [23] (./example/kousi02.tex) (./example/kousi03.tex)
(./example/saikoro.tex) [24]) [25]
\openout2 = `Sstr.aux'.
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
(./example/string02.tex) [26
] (./example/string03.tex) (./example/string07.tex) [27] (./example/string04.te
x) [28]
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
(./showex.tmp) [29]
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
(./showex.tmp) [30]
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
(./showex.tmp) (./example/string11.tex)
(./example/string06.tex) [31] (./example/string12.tex)
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
Overfull \hbox (1.04906pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 1--230
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
Overfull \hbox (1.04906pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 1--244
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
Overfull \hbox (1.04906pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 1--262
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
Overfull \hbox (5.67377pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 1--280
[33] (./example/string05.tex) [34] (./example/string13.tex) [35]
(./example/string08.tex) (./example/string09.tex) (./example/string10.tex)
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
(./showex.tmp) [37] (./example/HenKo01.tex)
(./example/HenKo04.tex) [38] (./example/HenKo02.tex) (./example/HenKo03.tex)
(./example/HenKo05.tex) [39] (./example/sPut01.tex)
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
(./showex.tmp) [40]
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
(./showex.tmp) [41]
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
(./showex.tmp) [42]
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
(./showex.tmp) [43]
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
Overfull \hbox (10.83589pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 1--723
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
Overfull \hbox (10.83589pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 1--744
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
Overfull \hbox (10.83589pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 1--762
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
Overfull \hbox (10.83589pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 1--779
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
Overfull \hbox (10.83589pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 1--792
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
Overfull \hbox (10.83589pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 1--815
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
Overfull \hbox (10.83589pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 1--840
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
[46] (./showex.tmp)
Overfull \hbox (10.83589pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 1--852
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
Overfull \hbox (10.83589pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 1--871
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 884--884
Overfull \hbox (10.83589pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 1--884
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
Overfull \hbox (10.83589pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 1--901
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
Overfull \hbox (10.83589pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 1--918
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
(./showex.tmp) [48]
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
(./showex.tmp) [49]
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
(./showex.tmp) [50] (./example/Touhen01.tex) (./example/Touhen02.tex) [51]
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
(./showex.tmp) [52] [53] (./example/KAKUki01.tex)
(./example/KAKUki09.tex) [54] (./example/KAKUki06.tex) (./example/KAKUki13.tex)
(./example/KAKUki14.tex) (./example/KAKUki15.tex) [55] (./example/KAKUki07.tex)
(./example/KAKUki11.tex) (./example/KAKUki08.tex) (./example/KAKUki10.tex)
(./example/KAKUki21.tex) [56] (./example/KAKUki23.tex) (./example/KAKUki24.tex)
(./example/KAKUki02.tex) [57] (./example/KAKUki03.tex) (./example/KAKUki18.tex)
[58] (./example/KAKUki22.tex) (./example/KAKUki16.tex) (./example/KAKUki17.tex)
(./example/KAKUki19.tex) [59] (./example/KAKUki20.tex) [60]
(./example/KAKUki04.tex) [61] (./example/KAKUki05.tex) [62]
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
[63] (./showex.tmp)
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
(./showex.tmp) [65]
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
(./showex.tmp) [66]
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
Overfull \hbox (10.39972pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 1487--1487
[]\OT1/cmtt/m/n/10 \put(0,0){\color{red}\Kuromaru\O}%[]
(./showex.tmp) [67]
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
[68] (./showex.tmp)
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
Overfull \hbox (10.39972pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 1571--1571
[]\OT1/cmtt/m/n/10 \put(0,0){\color{green}\kuromaru{%[]
(./showex.tmp) [69]
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
Overfull \hbox (10.39972pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 1613--1613
[]\OT1/cmtt/m/n/10 \put(0,0){\color{green}\kuromaru{%[]
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
Overfull \hbox (10.39972pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 1643--1643
[]\OT1/cmtt/m/n/10 \put(0,0){\color{green}\kuromaru{%[]
(./showex.tmp) [70]
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
[71] (./showex.tmp)
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
(./showex.tmp) [72]
\openout3 = `./emRtmp.1'.
(./emRtmp.1) [73]
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
(./showex.tmp) [74]) [75]
\openout2 = `Scirc.aux'.
(./example/en01.tex) (./example/en22.tex) (./example/en23.tex)
(./example/en15.tex) [76
] (./example/en04.tex) (./example/en16.tex) [77]
(./example/en21.tex) (./example/en17.tex) [78] (./example/en18.tex)
(./example/en10.tex) (./example/en11.tex) (./example/en19.tex)
(./example/en20.tex) [79] (./example/en12.tex) (./example/en13.tex)
(./example/en14.tex) [80]
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
(./showex.tmp) [81] (./example/en02.tex)
(./example/en03.tex) [82] (./example/en05.tex) [83] (./example/en06.tex)
(./example/en07.tex) (./example/en08.tex) [84] (./example/en09.tex)
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
(./showex.tmp) [85]
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
(./showex.tmp) [86]
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
(./showex.tmp) [87]) [88]
\openout2 = `SCandL.aux'.
(./SCandL.tex (./example/LandL01.tex) [89
] (./example/LandL02.tex)
(./example/LandL03.tex) [90] (./example/LandL04.tex) [91]
(./example/LandL05.tex) (./example/suisen01.tex) [92]
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
(./showex.tmp) [93]
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
(./showex.tmp) [94]
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
(./showex.tmp) [95] (./example/CandL01.tex)
(./example/CandL02.tex) [96] (./example/CandL03.tex)
LaTeX Font Warning: Font shape `OT1/cmtt/bx/n' in size <12> not available
(Font) Font shape `OT1/cmtt/m/n' tried instead on input line 310.
[97] (./example/CandC01.tex)) [98]
\openout2 = `SEandL.aux'.
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
(./showex.tmp) [100]
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
(./showex.tmp) [101]
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
[102]) [103]
\openout2 = `Snuri1.aux'.
(./Snuri1.tex (./example/shade01.tex) (./example/shade03.tex)
] (./example/shade04.tex) (./example/shade05.tex) (./example/shade06.tex)
[105] (./example/shade07.tex) (./example/shade08.tex) [106]
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 155--155
Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 155--155
Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 3--155
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
(./showex.tmp) [108]
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
(./showex.tmp)) [109]
\openout2 = `Shatch1.aux'.
(./Shatch1.tex (./example/hatch01.tex) (./example/hatch02.tex) [110
(./example/hatch04.tex) (./example/hatch03.tex) [111] (./example/hatch05.tex)
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
(./showex.tmp) [112]
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
[113] (./showex.tmp)
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
(./showex.tmp) [114]
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
(./showex.tmp) [115]
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
(./showex.tmp) [116]
(./example/hatch08.tex) (./example/hatch09.tex
Package color Info: Redefining color lightgray on input line 2.
) [117]
LaTeX Font Info: Font shape `JT1/gt/bx/n' in size <10> not available
(Font) Font shape `JT1/gt/m/n' tried instead on input line 321.
LaTeX Font Info: Font shape `JY1/gt/bx/n' in size <10> not available
(Font) Font shape `JY1/gt/m/n' tried instead on input line 321.
) [118]
\openout2 = `S5shin.aux'.
(./example/zyusin01.tex) (./example/gaisin01.tex) [119
] (./example/gaisin02.tex) [120] (./example/naisin01.tex) [121] (./example/nais
in02.tex) [122]
(./example/bousin01.tex) (./example/bousin02.tex) [123] (./example/bousin03.tex
) [124] (./example/suisin01.tex) [125]
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
[126] (./showex.tmp)
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
[127]) [128]
\openout2 = `Ssankaku.aux'.
(./Ssankaku.tex (./example/sankaku1.tex) [129
(./example/sankaku2.tex) [130] (./example/sankaku3.tex)) [131]
\openout2 = `Syogen.aux'.
] (./example/seigen01.tex) [133] (./example/yogen01.tex)) [134]
\openout2 = `Svector.aux'.
(./Svector.tex [135
] (./example/sikakkei.tex) (./example/kaiten01.tex) [136])
\openout2 = `Szahyou.aux'.
(./Szahyou.tex (./example/sutyoku1.tex)
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
(./showex.tmp) [138
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
(./showex.tmp) [139] (./example/zahyo01.tex) [140] (./example/zahyo08.tex)
(./example/zahyo15.tex) (./example/zahyo16.tex) [141]
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
(./showex.tmp) [142]
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
(./showex.tmp) [143]
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
(./showex.tmp) [144]
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
(./showex.tmp) [145]
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
(./showex.tmp) [147]
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
[149] (./showex.tmp)
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
\openout7 = `./showexs.tmp'.
(./showex.tmp) [150]
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
\openout7 = `./showexs.tmp'.
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
\openout7 = `./showexs.tmp'.
(./showex.tmp) [151]
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
\openout7 = `./showexs.tmp'.
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
\openout7 = `./showexs.tmp'.
(./showex.tmp) [152] [153]
(./example/zahyo04.tex) [154]
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
(./showex.tmp) [155]
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
Overfull \hbox (4.58324pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 7--779
(./example/zahyo05.tex) [156] (./example/zahyo14.tex) (./example/zahyo11.tex)
[157] (./example/zahyo12.tex) (./example/zahyo07.tex) (./example/zahyo06.tex)
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
(./showex.tmp) [159]
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
(./showex.tmp) [160]
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
(./showex.tmp) [161]
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
(./showex.tmp) [162]
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
(./showex.tmp)) [163]
\openout2 = `SCandl2.aux'.
(./SCandl2.tex (./example/zahyou01.tex)
(./example/zahyou02.tex) [164
] (./example/zahyou03.tex) (./example/kyori01.tex) (./example/kyori02.tex) [165
] (./example/tyoku01.tex) [166]
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
(./showex.tmp) [167]
(./example/tyoku02.tex) (./example/tyoku05.tex) [168] (./example/tyoku06.tex)
[169] (./example/tyoku07.tex)
Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding):
(hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 197.
Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding):
(hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 197.
(./example/tyoku03.tex) [170]
Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding):
(hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 222.
Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding):
(hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 222.
Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding):
(hyperref) removing `\@ifnextchar' on input line 227.
Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding):
(hyperref) removing `subscript' on input line 227.
Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding):
(hyperref) removing `subscript' on input line 227.
Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding):
(hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 227.
Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding):
(hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 227.
Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding):
(hyperref) removing `\@ifnextchar' on input line 248.
Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding):
(hyperref) removing `subscript' on input line 248.
Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding):
(hyperref) removing `subscript' on input line 248.
(./example/kyori04.tex) [171] (./example/sessen01.tex) [172]
(./example/sessen02.tex) [173] (./example/sessen03.tex) [174]
(./example/tyoku08.tex) (./example/tyoku09.tex) (./example/tyoku10.tex)
[175] (./example/tyoku11.tex)
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
(./showex.tmp)) [176] [177
\openout2 = `Sgraph1.aux'.
(./example/func11.tex) [178
] (./example/func12.tex) (./example/func13.tex)
(./example/func14.tex) [179] (./example/func21.tex) (./example/func22.tex)
[180] (./example/func23.tex) [181] (./example/kouten11.tex) [182]
(./example/kouten12.tex) (./example/func31.tex) [183]) [184]
\openout2 = `Sgraph2.aux'.
] [186]
Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding):
(hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 126.
Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding):
(hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 126.
(./example/func41.tex) (./example/func42.tex) [187] (./example/func43.tex)
(./example/func44.tex) (./example/func45.tex) [188]
Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding):
(hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 159.
Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding):
(hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 159.
(./example/func50.tex) [189] (./example/func46.tex) (./example/func48.tex)
[190] (./example/func47.tex) [191] (./example/func49.tex) [192]
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
(./showex.tmp)) [193]
\openout2 = `Snuri2.aux'.
(./Snuri2.tex (./example/nuri01.tex)
(./example/nuri02.tex) [194
] (./example/nuri03.tex) [195] (./example/nuri04.tex)
Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding):
(hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 53.
Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding):
(hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 53.
(./example/nuri07.tex) [196] (./example/nuri05.tex) [197] (./example/nuri06.tex
)) [198]
\openout2 = `Shatch2.aux'.
(./Shatch2.tex (./example/hatch07.tex) [199
] (./example/hatch10.tex))
\openout2 = `Szahyou3.aux'.
(./Szahyou3.tex (./example/zahyou31.tex) [201
] (./example/zahyou32.tex)
[202] (./example/kakusui3.tex) (./example/kakusui4.tex) [203]
(./example/kakutyu3.tex) [204] (./example/PandL01.tex) [205] [206]
(./example/PSuisen1.tex) [207] [208] (./example/rasen31.tex) [209]) [210]
\openout2 = `Shyou.aux'.
(./Shyou.tex (./example/hyou01.tex) [211
] (./example/hyou02.tex) [212]
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
Underfull \hbox (badness 4492) in paragraph at lines 110--110
[] \OT1/cmtt/m/n/10 \sya(8zw)[r][\stackrel{\text{\JY1/mc/m/n/10 \OT1/cmt
t/m/n/10 }}{\text{\JY1/mc/m/n/10 \OT1/cmtt/m/n/10 }}\strut]<\Hyoumidasi{\JY1/
mc/m/n/10 行見出し\OT1/cmtt/m/n/10 }{
[213] (./showex.tmp)
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
Underfull \hbox (badness 4492) in paragraph at lines 151--151
[] \OT1/cmtt/m/n/10 \sya(8zw)[r][\stackrel{\text{\JY1/mc/m/n/10 \OT1/cmt
t/m/n/10 }}{\text{\JY1/mc/m/n/10 \OT1/cmtt/m/n/10 }}\strut]<\Hyoumidasi{\JY1/
mc/m/n/10 行見出し\OT1/cmtt/m/n/10 }{
(./showex.tmp) [214]
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
Underfull \hbox (badness 4492) in paragraph at lines 173--173
[] \OT1/cmtt/m/n/10 \sya(8zw)[r][\stackrel{\text{\JY1/mc/m/n/10 \OT1/cmt
t/m/n/10 }}{\text{\JY1/mc/m/n/10 \OT1/cmtt/m/n/10 }}\strut]<\Hyoumidasi{\JY1/
mc/m/n/10 行見出し\OT1/cmtt/m/n/10 }{
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
(./showex.tmp) [215]
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
(./showex.tmp) [216] (./example/zougen1.tex) [217] (./example/zougen2.tex) [21
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
[219] (./showex.tmp)
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
(./showex.tmp) [220]
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
Overfull \hbox (0.90948pt too wide) detected at line 6
) [221]
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
Overfull \hbox (0.90948pt too wide) detected at line 7
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
\openout7 = `./showexs.tmp'.
Overfull \hbox (0.90948pt too wide) detected at line 8
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
[222] (./showex.tmp)
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
[223] (./showex.tmp)
Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding):
(hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 548.
Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding):
(hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 548.
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
[224] (./showex.tmp)
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
(./showex.tmp) [225]
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
[226] (./showex.tmp)
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
(./showex.tmp) [227]
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
(./showex.tmp) [228]
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
(./showex.tmp) [229]
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 829--829
[] \OT1/cmtt/m/n/10 {r}{\text{\JY1/mc/m/n/10 あいうえお\OT1/cm
tt/m/n/10 }}&\text{\JY1/mc/m/n/10 甲乙
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 845--845
[] \OT1/cmtt/m/n/10 {r}{\text{\JY1/mc/m/n/10 あいうえお\OT1/cm
tt/m/n/10 }}&\text{\JY1/mc/m/n/10 甲乙
(./showex.tmp) [230] [231]
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
Underfull \vbox (badness 10000) detected at line 903
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
[233] (./showex.tmp)) [234]
\openout2 = `Skakomi.aux'.
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
(./showex.tmp) [235
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
[236] (./showex.tmp)
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
[237] (./showex.tmp)
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
[238] (./showex.tmp)
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
[239] (./showex.tmp)
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
[240] (./showex.tmp)
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 231--231
[] \OT1/cmtt/m/n/10 backgroundcolor=cyan,item=\JY1/mc/m/n/10 見出
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 248--248
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 259--259
(./showex.tmp) [241]
\openout6 = `./showex.tmp'.
(./showex.tmp)) [242]
\openout2 = `Serr.aux'.
(./Serr.tex (./example/pen01.tex)
(./example/pen02.tex)) [243
] (./sampleP.ind
! Undefined control sequence.
<inserted text> \equal
l.3 ...m \texttt {\cmd {Absvec}}, \hyperpage{135}
└◆847:emathPh.sty[2010/06/18 v 3.88] [st] 06/18 15:10
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└◆849:Re[2]:emathPh.sty[2010/06/18 v 3.88] [st] 06/18 16:47
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